Bicycle Bridge (TUE and Royal Bam group)
The 3D printed bridge developed for cyclists in The Netherlands.
3D Printhuset, one of Scandinavia’s leading 3D printing companies, has organised a bigger and better 3D Construction Printing Conference after its debut back in February.
Nine months on from the inaugural event, this second offering of insight and discussion is set to attract upward of 240 visitors. It will take place on November 30th, 2017 in Copenhagen.
3D construction printing pioneer, Behrokh Khoshnevis is being marketed as the ‘star’ of the conference, which will also see presentations from Winsun, Cazza Construction, Apis Cor, Cybe Constructions and Xtree, among others. Complementing the construction content is a section dedicated to materials. It will see representatives of Sika Group, Vinci Construction & Royal BAM Construction Group also present their views on the potential of 3D printing in the construction industry and the materials that can helpful fulfil said potential.
Khoshnevis’ patented SIS technology stands as the starting point and main influence for many of the companies set to present at the conference. He invented the technology, which builds parts layer by layer from a powder base material, 20 years ago. Since, many players in the construction industry have sought to adopt 3D printing, to manufacture parts or to innovate further.
A recent example of 3D printing’s integration into construction is the concrete bridge for cyclists in the Netherlands. The bridge was the result of a joint project involving the Technical University of Eindhoven and the Royal Bam Construction Group. The company’s Director of Digital Construction, Menno de Jonge will be one of the speakers at the upcoming conference.

The BOD 3D Printhuset
The BOD will be displayed at an open house arrangement and accessible to 3D Construction Printing Conference goers later this month.
3D Printhuset believes that de Jonge’s presentation, as will the rest of the programme, will give visitors the opportunities to hear how they can benefit from the adoption of 3D printing. The conference will provide a platform for an array of companies, from start-ups to fully fledged players, to deliver a comprehensive insight.
“It is no surprise that the newcomers are praising 3D printing, but what we are starting to see now is that the conventional industry is also becoming involved, either with their own projects or with investments in the newcomers,” said Henrik Lund-Nielsen, CEO of 3D Printhuset. “That is why it is highly relevant to hear the views of the conventional construction industry. At this stage of the industry’s development, we believe it is crucial to exchange as much information as possible. Therefore, we are very pleased to have organised the conference with so many interesting speakers and likewise we are pleased to have organised the conference with so many interesting speakers.”
As part of the conference, the attendees will have the chance to visit the BOD, a 3D printed building developed by 3D Printhuset, displayed at an open house arrangement. It demonstrated how the conference organiser itself has harnessed 3D printing to show what can be done with the technology.
The 3D Construction Printing Conference acts as an extension to 3D Printhuset’s efforts in promoting the use of 3D printing in construction. Bekrokh Khoshnevis, held in the highest regard in the construction 3D printing space, will offer his thoughts. Though, like other 3D printing processes it took a while before his SIS process was integrated into industrial workflows for more than prototyping purposes, to Khoshnevis it has always made perfect sense: “Humans have actually made buildings layer by layer for centuries. From that realisation, it was obvious for me to apply the 3D printing technology as a new construction technology.
The 3D Construction Printing Conference will be held on November 30th at the IDA Meeting Center, Kalvebod Brygge, Copenhagen.