Breuckmann 3D scanning
The latest in 3D metrology technologies have been on show at Euromold this week (December 3rd-6th), with Breuckmann's stand (hall 8, booth C90) showcasing this technology at the highest level accomplished by using a two-camera-system.
Thanks to its excellent mechanical and thermal stability, the stereoSCAN system is universally usable, whether it comes to measuring the finest structures or most minute deviations, the stereoSCAN is the system of choice.
The product range of Breuckmann's scanners has been expanded by adding a new high-precision version of the stereoSCAN.
The stereoSCAN-R16 is now equipped with two 16 megapixel cameras, which means the measurement data is calculated on the basis of 32 megapixels. The system is characterised by a high resolution detail and measuring accuracy which to date has only been achievable by using coordinate measuring systems. This system configuration is predominantly used in the context of large-scale measuring fields, with the operator being able to choose to focus either on the highest camera resolution or the fastest data acquisition, thus ensuring that each 3D scanning project is processed using the best suited system configuration. The resulting large data volumes are processed by the measuring and evaluation software OPTOCAT and used for the most diverse analysis tasks.
Especially in the context of demanding measuring tasks, the asymmetrical camera arrangement of the stereoSCAN provides optimum flexibility and reliability; even object areas which are difficult to access are captured fully and conclusively. Thanks to the system's exceptional sturdiness due to the CFRP double structure, it delivers high-precision, true-to-detail 3D data for further processing not only in the protected laboratory environment but also under the harsh and challenging conditions of an actual industrial production setting.
By swiftly changing the camera lenses or re-positioning the camera modules, the system is easily adapted to any kind of task or requirement. The resulting scans are generated in standard formats, e.g. STL, PLY, VRML. In combination with a tactile sensor, it provides the ideal scanning setup for complex, large-size measuring projects with minimal effort. For automated scanning the scanner can, furthermore, be equipped with a robot and a turn/tilt unit.