Formlabs Castable Wax Material with rose gold cast is Lace by Jenny Wu.
Formlabs has announced it is now shipping its Castable Wax Resin, a wax-filled material aimed at direct investment casting for the jewellery industry.
The latest edition to its library of Jewellery Resins, Castable Wax was formulated to deliver smooth surface finish and increased part strength for printing high-detail, intricate parts on the desktop.
Formlabs worked closely with jewellery manufacturing partners in China, Japan, and India, some of the world's largest markets for jewellery in terms of retail value, to ensure that Castable Wax Resin could reliably print challenging ornate pavé pieces and large filigree bracelets, which are particularly popular in those regions.
Formlabs says the material performs with zero ash content and clean burnout. It is 20% wax-filled for clean casting and is suitable for a standard burnout schedule or a short 8-hour burnout schedule using strong investments like R&R's Ultravest Maxx, developed specifically to withstand faster heating for photopolymer casting.
This resin does not require post-curing, after a quick wash in isopropyl alcohol, parts are clean and ready to handle, with no residual tackiness. Printed parts are then suitable for custom-fitting and final production.
3D printing is fast becoming an indispensable tool in the jewellery industry, particularly for independent designers and casting houses where desktop stereolithography systems are providing a low-cost and accessible alternative to prototyping or traditional casting methods.
"3D printing is an essential part of the jewellery making process for my jewellery line, LACE by Jenny Wu, because of the complex architectural forms that would be impossible to create by hand," Jenni Wu, designer and founder of LACE by Jenni Wu commented. "I was able to test out Castable Wax early with great results and I look forward to continuing to test out materials for future projects. I am excited to work with Formlabs to continue to push the boundaries of 3D printing materials for jewellery."