K8400 3D printer
Velleman K8400 3D printer
Belgian additive manufacturing leader, Materialise, has announced its latest 3D printing software partnership with Velleman, a fellow-Belgian company for the wholesale and development of electronics products.
Materialise is building partnerships with machine manufacturers to improve the communication between 3D software and a wide range of 3D printers. Velleman has more than 40 years of experience in developing DIY-kits for electronics and brought a second-generation do-it-yourself printer to the market last year.
The synergy between Materialise’s 3D printing software and Velleman’s hardware expertise will result in a better and smarter end product and boost the consumer’s user-experience. The two will work together to bundle the Velleman K8400 Vertex 3D printer with the custom Materialise Builder software; the Velleman Vertex Builder.
“The Velleman Vertex Builder will make the 3D printing process as straight-forward as possible for everyone with a K8400 Vertex printer,” explains Karel Brans, Business Line Director for OEM Partnerships at Materialise. “It will operate much in the same way as printer drivers for 2D printing and will make critical functionalities such as automatic support generation easier and faster than ever.”
Dirk Vlerick, CEO of Velleman, added: “With this partnership, Velleman will be able to equip its printer with powerful 3D printing software, tailored to its customers’ needs”, he says.
Users of all skill levels will have access to this industry-leading software for slicing models and support material generation through a user-friendly user interface. In addition, the Velleman Vertex Builder software will have a button that links to the Materialise 3DPrintCloud, where users can rely on tools in the cloud to prepare their models for 3D Printing. This feature will also help users to speed up the 3D printing preparation process, while ensuring the quality of the printed part.
The Velleman Vertex Builder software is expected for release by the first quarter of 2016.