Leonardo Helicopters
AW139 Atlantic Airways from LLOYD HORGAN
Desktop Metal subsidiary Aidro has become a qualified supplier of additively manufactured aluminium flight parts for Leonardo Helicopters.
Aidro is one of only two suppliers to receive the Declaration for Qualification of Process for Additive Layer Manufacturing with Leonardo. It has been working with the aerospace sector since 2018 after achieving its AS/EN9100 certification and will now use its additive manufacturing expertise to serve parts to Leonardo, who offers a range of helicopters to the commercial, public services, security and defence sectors.
Leonardo Helicopters has deployed its products in more than 150 countries and manages all stages of research, design, development, production, customers support and training. This spans its 1.8 tonne single-engine category of helicopter to its 16 tonne three-engine aircraft. In 3D printing, Leonardo has acknowledged the potential to create lightweight and complex parts and will lean on Aidro’s experience with hydraulic and fluid power systems to procure components that require such knowledge.
“Leonardo is committed to introducing and expanding the use of additive manufacturing on its rotorcraft products, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by its unique capabilities,” commented Dario Bonanno, Industrial Engineering Manager for Leonardo. “The availability of a qualified supply chain is a fundamental requirement to support the industrial sustainability of the company’s technological roadmap.”
“In addition to supporting Leonardo with design, Aidro also organised training sessions and knowledge-sharing on additive manufacturing with its employees,” commented Valeria Tirelli, President and CEO of Aidro. “This joining forces and continuous process of mutual learning becomes essential in such a fast-changing environment to be able to design, create and recreate products of high value. With our shared roots in Northern Italy and the combined expertise of our teams, we truly believe the sky’s the limit with Leonardo.”