TCT Hall of Fame shortlist.
This year will see the first TCT Awards ceremony making its debut at Birmingham Town Hall in September and today we're pleased to announce the shortlist for the first ever TCT Hall of Fame induction.
Drawn up by the TCT Expert Advisory Board, featuring industry experts from around the globe, the shortlist recognises 10 pioneers and innovators who have made significant contributions to the 3D technologies space.
Now it's your turn to decide which of these nominees will be among the first inductees into the TCT Hall of Fame. You are entitled to ONE vote from the shortlist below and the winners with the most votes will be announced during the TCT Awards ceremony on Wednesday 27th September 2017. For more information on each nominee and to cast your vote click here.
Adrian Bowyer - Founder of the RepRap Project
The former Bath University academic, mathematician and author was the instigator of the Replicating Rapid Prototyper project - better known as RepRap - which was the driving force behind the rapid spread of 3D printing from the industrial to consumer audiences.
Carl Deckard - Inventor of Selective Laser Sintering
Dr. Carl Deckard invented and developed SLS technology while based at The University of Austin, Texas. With his former professor, Joe Beaman, Carl co-founded DTM Corportation to commercialise the technology, subsequently bought by 3D Systems and SLS has since became almost ubiquitous in the 3D printing world.
Chuck Hull - Inventor of Stereolithography
Often referred to as the ‘father of 3D printing’, Chuck Hull's patent for stereolithography is one of the earliest recorded for the technologies as we recognise them today and the company he founded, 3D Systems, has been at the forefront of additive technologies since 1986.
Graham Tromans - Veteran applications specialist and educator
Through a career spanning 30 years, Graham Tromans has worked tirelessly in the development of applications for additive technologies. He has also been responsible for educating thousands on the fundamentals of additive manufacturing globally and serves as the Chief Consultant to the Chinese 3D Printing Technology Industry Alliance and is Chairman of the World 3D Printing Technology Industry Alliance Council.
Greg Morris - Process pioneer and application specialist
Morris Technologies, established by Greg Morris in 1994, became one of the leading providers of specialist AM services in the US before being bought by GE Aviation in 2012. Greg’s work in developing metal AM processes and applications has driven the adoption of these technologies in the aerospace and medical fields.
Hans Langer - Founder of EOS and serial entrepreneur
Dr. Hans Langer founded EOS in 1989 after a successful career in the laser industry, and has become one of the leading companies spanning both polymer and metals AM processes. Hans is also active in leadership of a portfolio of more than 20 companies and has been instrumental in driving developments across technologies, including pioneering metal laser melting.
Phill Dickens - AM researcher, consultant and educator
Phill Dickens' work at The University of Nottingham produced some of the early innovations in AM processes while his teaching and mentoring has helped switch a generation of young engineers on to AM. He is active as a consultant to industry, lobbyist for the technologies and serves on the UK AM Strategy board.
Scott Crump - Inventor of Fused Deposition Modelling
Patented in 1989, Scott Crump's FDM process has developed into one of the most recognisable forms of 3D printing. Scott’s invention led both the first and second waves of AM adoption, and continues to develop into new niches today. Stratasys, the company Scott founded with wife Lisa, is today one of the largest machine and service providers for AM globally.
Terry Wohlers - AM consultant, analyst, author and speaker
Terry Wohlers founded Wohlers Associates in 1986 and the annual Wohlers’ Report is the go-to-guide for the fact, figures and developments with the wider AM industry. Terry is often found on stage across the globe and is active across dozens of industry-focussed organisations.
Wilfried Vancraen - Founder of Materialise
Wilfried ‘Fried’ Vancraen founded Materialise in 1990 and continues to lead the company today. The company is now as well-known for it’s software solutions and biomedical applications expertise as for it’s work as both an industry- and consumer-facing bureau service. Fried’s mission is to build a better and healthier world through AM.
Tickets are available for the inaugural edition of the TCT Awards taking place on 27th September at Birmingham Town Hall, Birmingham, UK during TCT Show 2017.