The TCT Group’s mission is to accelerate the adoption of 3D technologies for design, development and manufacture across all industry sectors. Our global conferences bring together leading users, educators, analysts and commentators in the world of 3D printing, additive manufacturing, CAD/CAE, metrology and inspection, as well as traditional manufacturing processes such as moulding, casting and CNC machining.
In 2016, the conference will see perhaps the biggest changes to the format and focus since its inception. While a number of traditional presentations from users of 3D technologies throughout the process chain are sought, these will be complemented by live debate and discussion, interactive sessions and addresses from speakers whose expertise lies on the fringes of the TCT realm.
With that in mind the conferences team is now ready to receive abstracts for the 2016 conference stream, set to take place on September 28th and 29th at the NEC, Birmingham, UK, on the following topics:
- The role of technology in the ideation process
- CAD/CAE software as a competitive advantage
- Prototyping — use cases for 3D printing
- Prototyping — alternatives to 3D printing
- Integrating additive manufacturing into production environments
- Developing process chains to make best use of additive technologies
- Assessing additive technologies
- Comparing technology classes for manufacturing
- Updates on metals AM processes
- Updates on polymer AM processes
- Techniques and processes for inspecting AM components
- Metrology solutions from design to manufacture
Technology users and researchers are encouraged to submit a working title, 100 word abstract and confirmation of speaker availability to before Friday April 29th. Preference will be given to early applications. Please note that in a change of policy the TCT Show + Personalize Conference will no longer accept submissions from machine or materials vendors or service providers, however we welcome contacts for your innovative users with interesting stories to tell.
To see our 2015 conference speakers in action, take a look HERE.