Carla Diana
Leo the maker prince
Carla Diana is the kind of human being whose portfolio makes you feel ashamed of yourself. Go take a look at her website, have a look at the countless projects the technology focussed product designer is involved in, have a look at the teaching she does, the articles she writes, the speaking she does… and now Carla’s even squeezed in an amazing children’s book.
The book, LEO the Maker Prince, is aimed at teaching children all about the wonders of 3D printing. The book follows a girl called Carla on a journey of discovery as her life gets flip-turned upside down when she meets a 3D printing robot as she turns from accountant to artist.
Though the book is obviously aimed at children the information inside is aimed at teaching anybody who knows nothing about 3D printing the fundamentals. As a 3D printing writer, I find myself explaining 3D printing 101 on countless occasions; with the festive period coming up I think the book may do a better job than I possibly could in explaining the tech to my 85-year-old grandmother.
Carla Diana has thought of everything too, this isn’t just airy fairy ‘3D printing is magic’ kind of stuff, the girl in the story goes on to print many of the things she dreams up and being a product designer Carla Diana is she’s printed all of the objects and put them up for all to see and use on Thingiverse.
Amongst the printable objects are the titular characters, musical instruments, sandals, jewellery etc. all lovingly crafted, and perfectly designed for 3D printing.
LEO the Maker Prince is available in all good local book stores as well as Amazon now.